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Josh Jinno

Josh Jinno

Site Manager

Josh’s Maine roots run deep, as his ancestors were some of the first settlers of Georgetown and Hancock County. Passionate about craftsmanship, Josh thinks of buildings as art installations and strives to always produce exceptional work. In his previous roles, Josh has worked as both an independent contractor as well as a lead carpenter where he honed his finishing skills. Now as a Site Manager, he oversees the day-to-day progress on job sites and ensures Knickerbocker Group standards are maintained. Through thoughtful communication and clear follow-through, Josh serves as a crucial player on the project team.

Outside of work, Josh enjoys hiking, photography, and spending time with his family.

KG culture, mission + values

Josh appreciates how polite and professional the atmosphere at Knickerbocker Group is, as well as the teamwork that surrounds each project.

Life in Maine

Natalie’s at the Camden Harbour Inn, Beech Hill in Rockport, Rte 113 and Evans Notch, the coastline from York to Roque Bluff, Mt Battie and Douglas Mountain… all are unmatched! Tony’s Donuts Apple Fritters, Maine’s art and artisan scene.