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Kevin Alley

Kevin Alley


Kevin works behind the scenes crunching and organizing all things accounting. Kevin began in the accounting department back in 2005, when the firm was known as Boothbay Home Builders and consisted of 25 employees! He has witnessed the company formation of Knickerbocker Group in 2009, alongside the expansion of 2 additional offices and about 100+ additional employees. Kevin now sits in his current finance role as Controller. He is a retired Chief Petty Officer from the Navy Reserves, having given 24 years of service, during which he supported various commands overseas and stateside.

Kevin lives in Boothbay with his wife. He enjoys spending family time watching movies, bike riding, and hiking. Together, they have two children and have also hosted an exchange student from Holland. Kevin is a movie fanatic, and spends his free time working jigsaw puzzles, tying knots and hand knitting lobster trap heads for his brother’s business.

In the community

Treasurer, local chapter of Knights of Columbus

Former Grand Knight, local chapter

KG culture, mission + values

Knickerbocker loves to gather its employees for family-friendly events, like annual picnics and various other social gatherings. Kevin appreciates how Knickerbocker Group supports their employees through difficult times and celebrates their achievements. Lastly, he deeply values Knickerbocker Group’s dedication to quality and striving to do things right.