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Michael Belleau, AIA, RA CPHD

Michael Belleau, AIA, RA CPHD

Senior Project Designer, Architecture, Licensed Architect, ME

As an architect at Knickerbocker Group, Michael designs projects and provides support to others on the architecture team. Working with clients to make their dreams a reality while helping them make the tough choices around budgets is a pleasure and a challenge that he relishes. Each project is a unique puzzle, requiring an optimized creative solution that exceeds the client’s expectations.

After studying architecture in Boston and London, Michael returned to Maine to bring his worldly experience to our local culture with a renewed sense of appreciation for the humble and natural. His years of experience at small residential firms, large institutional firms, and small residential projects at his own office, provide a large lens from which to view our team’s challenges. From designing the award-winning Bangor International Fire Station to a simple entry vestibule in Cumberland, his commitment to quality is foremost. He has taught architectural theory at the University of Maine, Augusta, and has taught building, urban, and sustainable design at the college level. Michael has a fascination with urban space and has published many articles in the Portland Press Herald and given Pecha Kucha talks (1 & 2) on urban design in Maine. He is also a Certified Passive House Designer, the world’s best low-energy use standard.

In the community

Greater Portland Community Land Trust

Past Involvement:

  • Architalx Board
  • Portland’s Green Building Task Force
  • YMCA Advisory Board
  • Volunteer Basketball Coach at the YMCA, Portland Parks & Rec, Portland Boys and Girls Club and local High School

KG culture, mission + values

For Michael, Knickerbocker Group is one of those rare places where everyone is working to help everyone else move forward and succeed together. A culture of positivity and encouragement. Clients receive support and guidance from the first inspiration images to handing over the keys to a complete home under one roof, design, construction, care—all hand-in-hand.

Life in Maine

Growing up on Main Street in Orono, Maine, Michael loved playing high school basketball, eating Pat’s Pizza, and sneaking into the field house at UMO. He spent summers at a multi-generation family cottage on a lake in Maine, playing with cousins, catching fish, picking up bullfrogs, jumping off their dock, and boating. He still returns to his family cottage for a bit each summer, reconnecting with his childhood memories. Maine is truly a special place.